Wednesday, December 17, 2008

:: OuR LittLe SweetHearT ::

Syukur Alhamdunillah, I telah selamat melahirkan our 1st baby boy on 27 Nov 2008 @ 2.32 p.m. Rasa sakit-sakit perut terasa sejak subuh lagi, masa tuh the nurses nak buat routine check-up to all patients. Ingatkan sakit peyut nk memerut. Tapi sakit tuh makin lama makin kerap pulak. Boleh dikatakan every 5-6 minutes mesti sakit. So I called my Mom, informed her that perut asik sakit-sakit aje. My mom pulak guess yang I contraction. I pulak boleh fikir mustahil lah yang I contraction. But, the pain I felt makin lama makin menjadi-jadi pula. So I informed nurse yang kebetulan nak buat routine check up around 9 a.m. At the same time the doc who is promise to observe me 24 hours came to make a check up. When the nurse inform her that I am sakit-sakit perut, she asked to do CTG first. After that the nurse count how many times my contraction manually. In 10 mins 25 second, my contraction I felt 3 times. After that the doc did a scan to confirm (also seluk check rahim) and finally she informed me to be in LB immediately coz I will delivered anytime. On that time rahim dah buka dalam 3 cm. So , I called my Hubby to informed him that I will be in LB and find me in LB not in ward.

Dalam masa nak menanti rahim buka lagi sehingga 11 cm, tetiba Ketua Jab. Gyne & Obs datang masuk ke bilik. Terperanjat jugak bila dia tanyakan keadaan aku masa tuh. And then, she told me that she heard from other patients from my room about last nite matter. I just said it's ok...just not satisfied some matter. Suddenly she asked me either would like my Hubby together in the LB? Without think many times, I agreed with the sugesstion. Pucuk di cita ulam mendatang due to the hospital policy did not allowed husband be together with wife during delivered except for certain cases. Maybe nak minta maaf secara tak langsung. Well what ever pun, thanks to Allah coz my Hubby accompany me. Tunggu punya tunggu, tahan sakit yang tak terhingga, maka semuanya berakhir dengan selamatnya. Alhamdunillah...



liez said...

x sangka sama bday husband aku..hehehe..27 Nov..

RadenAnum said...

thanks...owh iyer ke sama date?hurmm..ley celebrate sama2 la thn nie :)...sama date ngan Pak Lah jugak...